Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Schedules, and the sequel

I think if I were an Olympic track athlete, I would be a sprinter, here is why… I seem to be able to get a ton of stuff done in a really short period of time and am able to find ways to maximize my efficiency. However, endurance is not my game. As soon as I have pushed through the hard part, I can’t seem to find motivation to keep it up. I bring this up because at the beginning of this week I had a laundry list of things that I was determined to get done before Friday, and let me share that I have completed almost none of them.

What is my deal? If I could maintain a certain level of efficiency I could get so many things accomplished that I would like to, but I don’t, and in this way I am my own worst enemy. So I need to slap my self around a little and get it together. I am thinking that I am going to try out creating a fairly detailed schedule so I maximize my day. We will see how it goes, I think I will try it out next week. A quick p.s. on this one, I would love any tips (advice or money is acceptable. If you are interested in the latter, I would love to work out payment options.)

I am going to quickly note that I switched out my background today, and it was a serious pain! I really wish I knew how to design a blog from scratch. I don’t know why it has to be so difficult.

Another note. Jay has kindly set up a work space/ studio for me in our new basement. I have been missing my daily painting adventures. I have one painting that I am going to start for a friend of mine, and then after that I have found the next picture that I want to do. As many of you know, this past summer I spent a lot of time working on a painting called “Where the Skirts Fly”, and I have found another picture that I took that would make for a great painting.

I am hoping that it can have the same dynamic qualities as my first one. So here is the picture. I am going to get rid of the signs in the back, but other than that, I think it will look really good, especially if they were shown together. YAY I am so excited!


  1. This is such an amazing painting!!! I love it so much. I cannot wait to see your next one. I hope your scheduling idea goes well. I will try hard not to distract you ;)

  2. You are not a distraction, rather an inspiration! Yay, doncha wanna, wanna fanta!

  3. Rachel your thoughts on schedule explain my whole life! I am so that way and worst part of it is that my kids they never lost motivation for going non stop-- therefore, I am in trouble a lot! Sweet new picture-- you should really show them in a mesilla art fair down here- you seem to paint what is very popular down here. You rock, as always!

  4. Thanks Beck!I miss you tons! Maybe Jay and I can find time soon to come down and visit. I agree that NM would be a good market for my stuff! Maybe I will have to bring it down there.
