Sunday, February 14, 2010

New addition, flowers and some ribs!

So this has been quite a weekend thus far and I want to start by introducing our newest addition. We call her 47 inch LG... If there is every anything good about a car accident it is this. Our insurance check that I got from our car accident afforded us this new toy, (besides who cares about a dented bumper on a truck anyway)! So Friday night we went and picked it up and then the real work began. Because of our crazy entertainment area setup we (we meaning Jay) had to do some minor construction in our house. He drilled a hole and lined it with PBC pipe so that our cords could travel from the lower levels of our shelves up to the tv. I took some pictures of the mess we had going on. I also want to note the ridiculous size of the box! But once we were all done it came out very nicely and it works like a charm. So needless to say we have been watching a lot of tv this weekend.

Moving right along... so I have to brag on my husband for a quick minute. He bought me the beautiful bouquet of flowers Valentine's day and I had to take some pictures. First let me remark how well the flowers and the vase go with my painting in the background. I took some close up shots just because they are so pretty, I just wish this blog had a scratch and sniff feature so you could smell how divine they are!

Ribs. I made some tonight and they were not only tasty but quite attractive. Now the pictures don't do them justice, (it kind of looks like something scary from a horror movie) but I was very proud of the end result. They weren't too shabby since this is the first time I have made ribs... and shout out to Jen here, they were such a good buy too!!!

That's all the randomness I have for now!


  1. Fun! Good work Jay- I'm sure Aaron would give you a pat on the back for the handy work and I'll give you one for some rockin flowers! Can I eat at restaurant Rachel?
