It's almost been two months since I posted last... and my day to day routine has changed significantly. Essentially I decided that I should go back to work and it would help me take my mind off somethings that have been going on in my life. Hasn't been working to well, instead of thinking about it at home, I think about it while I fill out paperwork. It has consumed me and not necessarily in a good way, as if I were passionate about it, just that I feel like my whole life is sitting in front of a screen in a cubicle. What's new right? Who cares, everyone does it... I think what is really bugging me is that I feel like I am trying to fill up time while I wait, but how long will I have to wait and I don't want to look back at my life and see that I was just filling it with something that I'm not passionate about. It makes my life seem empty. I hate what I do, and it I feel like I am on a road that isn't going to lead anywhere. I am not writing this to incite a pity party, I don't want that, I am just talking out loud. So in explanation of my blogging absence I am on hiatus, in life and blogging. Maybe I will start updating it while I am here at work. That's it for now.